Friday, July 30, 2010

Free at last!

After much thinking and a restless night of sleeping I awoke on Thursday and thought to myself "Life is too short Jessica!" With that I went downstairs to tell Sonny that I was uncomfortable and would like to leave. He took it fairly well, it was difficult to tell him why as I did not want to make him feel bad and I knew I was leaving him in a bit of a lurch. He replied to my uncomfortable comment stating there was nothing he could do, and I countered that it would have been nice to know that Mary wasn't going to be there. He said it was a last minute thing I replied with an "I'm sorry" face.

Note to self, next time I plan on leaving early pack my bag first! It was the most rushed bag packing ever! I pretty much decided as I was in the shower, thus why I didn't pack the night before. He gave me a ride to the bus station, I had no idea where I was going, only that I was going to Dublin and that ride will be on my list of most uncomfortable rides ever. He asked if I was offended, I said I was just overall uncomfortable and he replied that he had a lot of stuff to do for the market and it would have been nice to have help. I think this is why they didn't tell me in advance as he needed help, but it still wasn't fair. I definitely know I was doing the right thing though, but I still feel bad and I am sure he is a bit lonely without his wife.

En route to Dublin I looked up a hostel in my guidebook and decided to show up there and inquire as to whether they had space. Hooray they did! BTW the walk from the bus to the hostel (approx. 1 mile) was backbreaking due to my out of control bag! I have too much stuff! The hostel had a bed available in an all female dorm of 6, 14, or 16 beds. I choose the 6 bed dorm. 54 euros well spent!.

It was then off to explore the city. I didn't want to walk down the street with my guidebook in hand so I just figured I would walk and see where my feet would take me. I ended up at the Dublin Castle and took a tour, it was quite interesting.
Interesting thing learned on the tour: Back in the day they had makeup screens for women to put in front of them when they sat by the fire as the makeup was made of wax and was in danger of melting off. This is where the term "Saving Face" originated!

Post tour I went to the Chester Beatty library where there is an exhibition on books from the Mughal Empire, it was fascinating. Then it was back to the hostel for a shower and off to the literary pub crawl! This was led by two actors that sang, acted out parts from "Waiting For Godot" and read poetry. It was thoroughly entertaining. I made friends with a Canadian woman and a few Americans and we all went out for drinks afterwords.

Today (Friday) began with the 1916 Uprising Tour which was quite the history lesson and all of my new friends showed up for it as well. It has been very eye opening to see things from the Irish perspective, it is not often that one gets the chance to see both sides of a story. I have learned so much in my little time here.

Post tour I went to the oldest pub in Dublin for lunch. It was built in 1158. Then it was back to the hostel for a nap, but I had roommates show up so a nap was not to be had. So far in the room there is a German girl and 3 American girls from Maryland. We had the Baltimore discussion! They hate Baltimore. (:

The hostel is great, I cooked dinner tonight and I must say my pasta with butter is quite excellent. I was really nervous about staying at a hostel as I thought I was too old, but there are a lot of people in the 50's and 60's here, which goes to show you are never too old for an adventure.

After I post this I am off to a musical pub crawl where we will be entertained with live Irish music at several pubs, should be quite interesting. Lesson learned from last night : They sell beer in half pints for a reason. (:

I am really glad I am here, and while I still do think of Sonny and have some guilty feelings over it, I know I did the right thing. Thank you everyone for your comments and emails, they really helped to pull me out of a dark spot. Hopefully mostly happy days ahead!

Side note: There is an Iron Maiden concert in town tonight .... some interesting folk are definitely about!


  1. I keep trying without success to use this site

  2. I can't believe it finally worked! Now if only I remember how I did it! I'm green with envy, Jess. Just my kind of tours. I'm so glad you made the decision to move on. Can't wait to talk to you tomorrow. Let me know time.

  3. nice work, jessica. i don't like the sound of this sonny.

  4. You definitely did the right thing. I had to do a similar ditching on Saturday. I had joined forces with another foreigner to explore Seoul and the more he talked, the weirder he seemed. I actually did ditch him when he was out of sight because I didn't want him to follow me or know where I was going next. I felt bad for about a minute, then was mostly relieved.
